Keep Calm and Carry On - by Cheryl Grigsby

Keep Calm and Carry On - A Strategy

Something many of us have learned during this crisis is that too much cortisol, a stress hormone, is not good for us.  It can weaken our immune system which we want to stay really strong, especially now.  I just love it when science catches up with Scripture!

Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10
Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7
The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent. Ex. 14:14
Be anxious for nothing, fear not, fear not, fear not.  MANY references.

The deeper our knowledge of God, the deeper our trust will grow. 

Trusting God, casting all your anxiety on Him is a very healthy thing to do, physically and spiritually.

Don’t worry, be happy?  Great.  How do I do that?? 

I’d like to suggest a daily discipline that might help: 

Get a notepad, a pen, and your Bible.  Go to the Psalms and read.  Make a list of everything you read that tells you (1) who God is and (2) what God does.  His character and His actions.  You may want to mark this list directly in your Bible.  As much as possible, don’t paraphrase.  Quote the words directly from the text.  That’s it, as simple as that.  As you move through the Psalms, you will generate a thorough description of who He is and what He does, straight from the Bible, from the Author himself.  Review it and meditate on it.  Grow your trust.

Don’t just tell God about your mountain.
Tell your mountain about your God.

Author:  Cheryl Grigsby


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