
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Shelter in Place - by Susan Yarrington

Last Thursday, March 19th, our neighborhood received close to 8-10 inches of snow.  It was 42 degrees (warm for us), so it melted almost as quickly as it came down. Larry and I were enjoying a wonderful hike when we came across this bench under a HUGE spreading fir tree. It was the ONLY area on the 4 mile hike, which had no snow accumulation, as the branches were so thick from years of growth, it sheltered the bench below from the elements! Later that day, I had to google..'SHELTER IN PLACE' was a statement I read on my internet news feed. I had no idea what it meant, until I read the definition and examples from the world's current fight against the C-19 virus.  I immediately recalled this photo I had snapped earlier in the day, as it spoke to me...even then... of shelter in a storm, protection, provision and rest.  It reminded me of how my God does all that for me, through His Holy Spirit inside of me.  I have shelter, protection, provision and a restful p...

How YOU Getting Through This? - By Cheryl Grigsby

One of these days, we’ll look back on this time and say to one another “Wow!  How did we get though that??” How are YOU getting through it? Here are a few ways I’m getting through it: -      Remembering what I KNOW is true .   It’s important to distinguish what is speculation from what you know is truth.   What do I know, for sure?   That God is good.   He’s always been good.   He never changes.   He loves us.   He’s never surprised.   Now is the time   to review daily and many times a day the foundation our faith is built on.   Some things are within my control and some things aren’t.   They things that aren’t belong to the Lord.   Don’t mess with the Lord’s stuff! -      Speaking to my soul .   Unless I’m careful, my mind can run away with speculating, imagining all sorts of things that haven’t happened.   I remember how David in the Psalms speaks to his o...

Love Wins This Fight - by Taylor Bodin

Whether your political views fall more closely to Rage Against Machines or Trace Adkins, this season of life should have nothing to do with poltics and everything to do with being a human. Thankfully, in our little bubble of Estes Park, we are seeing all things put aside for the sake of another. A crisis like this, as tragic as it is on many levels, brings us all to a space where our heart strings are being pulled again. We are LOVINGLY taking on the responsibility to care of each other and humbly accepting people's help. We are doing what is good for all and not our selfish desires. I think, when it comes down to these catastrophic experiences, we naturally pull together because we were created to do so! We need each other. Even though we are forced to be isolated, it's almost like we've never been so close as a community. Light is shining through in the darkest of times. Love is what wins this fight. Author: Taylor Bodin