Shelter in Place - by Susan Yarrington

Last Thursday, March 19th, our neighborhood received close to 8-10 inches of snow.  It was 42 degrees (warm for us), so it melted almost as quickly as it came down. Larry and I were enjoying a wonderful hike when we came across this bench under a HUGE spreading fir tree. It was the ONLY area on the 4 mile hike, which had no snow accumulation, as the branches were so thick from years of growth, it sheltered the bench below from the elements!
Later that day, I had to google..'SHELTER IN PLACE' was a statement I read on my internet news feed. I had no idea what it meant, until I read the definition and examples from the world's current fight against the C-19 virus.  I immediately recalled this photo I had snapped earlier in the day, as it spoke to me...even then... of shelter in a storm, protection, provision and rest.  It reminded me of how my God does all that for me, through His Holy Spirit inside of me.  I have shelter, protection, provision and a restful perspective as I watch what happens 'out there', protected from unknown elements.... I'm SHELTERED IN PLACE by my God.  How about you?
·         What has brought you a sense of quiet and rest these past 6 weeks?  How well is it working for you, today?
·         Who has provided a sense of shelter? Provision and Protection....despite bare shelves?
·         How have you provided for others? Who is needing tangible 'shelter' from you?
·         Join me on this bench, under His shelter..there's a seat for you.

Author:  Susan Yarrington


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