
Showing posts from March 1, 2020

Are We Teachable? - by Jamie Palmesano

Teach·a·ble   -   /ˈtēCHəbəl/ " Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." Proverbs 9:9 Recently, I began helping a friend run for a local government position in my town.   This friend is a professional with a long list of accomplishments, achievements, and accolades in her life.   As sat down to discuss our strategy for the campaign, I immediately told her we would create a Dropbox account in order to share files, pictures, documents, and information.   She smiled, politely nodded, and then said, “I have no idea what that is, but it sounds good.”   For those of you who don’t know, Dropbox is a file sharing application that allows you to easily move and share information from one device to another.   During our meeting, I gave my friend a five-minute lesson on Dropbox and sent her on her way. Later that evening, I was sending her information right and left...

The times...they are a changin' - by Susan Yarrington

This was written in October, but it seems very timely now.  This is Deer Mountain, located in Rocky Mountain National Park. The aspens are in full color this week, soon to be replaced with flurries this weekend! But for today… their golden hues light up the hillside as they mix with the deep green pines. Beautiful! Change comes slowly it seems and then at times…all of a sudden. Whether its nature, work responsibilities, family dynamics, the economy, health issues…change is bound to happen…sooner or later. I consider myself a ‘recovering perfectionist’…somedays I have more recovery than others. but my goal (foolishly) is to keep the ‘good things’ in my life from NOT changing, while praying for the ‘not so good things’ to change, as of yesterday! This (seemingly to my little brain) keeps me in charge of not feeling grief or loss. The downside of all of this mental/emotional gymnastics is…to not experience growth which ALWAYS comes with change. God forgive my lack of trust. Que...

Storytime at Summit

We all love stories.  And, we all have stories.  For thousands of years, before pens and paper, before typewriters, and certainly before texting, people shared information through storytelling.  Our hope is that through the stories of real, regular people at Summit Church we can share the lessons God is teaching us in our everyday lives.  We hope this will be a platform to share stories, sermons, scriptures, parables, poems, and anything else centered in the Word of God from people at Summit.  May it be a source of encouragement and an opportunity for engagement in an exciting new way.