
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Keep Calm and Carry On - by Cheryl Grigsby

Keep Calm and Carry On - A Strategy Something many of us have learned during this crisis is that too much cortisol, a stress hormone, is not good for us.    It can weaken our immune system which we want to stay really strong, especially now.    I just love it when science catches up with Scripture! Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10 Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7 The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent. Ex. 14:14 Be anxious for nothing, fear not, fear not, fear not.    MANY references. The deeper our knowledge of God, the deeper our trust will grow.   Trusting God, casting all your anxiety on Him is a very healthy thing to do, physically and spiritually. Don’t worry, be happy?    Great.    How do I do that??   I’d like to suggest a daily discipline that might help:   Get a notepad, a pen, and your Bible.    Go...

Praise the Lord - by Larry Yarrington

This from Psalm 149: "Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the saints." The question is, how new is your song? Probably as new as your growth in the Lord. I ask myself, how well do I know the Lord? Is my understanding of Him greater today than it was a few days or even years ago? In part, I have to read about Him from the Bible daily. It is His desire to reveal Himself to me everyday as our relationship goes deeper. As I read, I open myself to what the Lord might be saying to me; something new that I didn't know about Him yesterday. As I understand His heart, I grow in my knowledge of just how much He loves and cares for me. Don't all relationships stay intimate and joyful when we decide to be open and transparent with one another? Everyday I learn a little more how to have a joy filled relationship with my wife. It takes transparency in her part, but it also takes searching on my part. Why should it be different wi...

My Hope in Him Alone - by Carly Mainland

I will not place my hope: In temperatures on the thermometer. In certain items on the grocery store shelf. Nor my ability to predict tomorrow or next month. I will not place my hope or security in my emotional stability or my children’s behavior, nor the presence of certain comforts I’m still able to enjoy. I place my hope in Him alone. The unchanging, ever present, loving God, who is available and active. Who knows my yesterdays and tomorrows and has secured eternity for me. I will fix my gaze on Him again and again. He never fails, even as my own vision may, He never does. 🌡 This little one has had a fever on and off over the past few days. In these crazy times we have no other option but to assume it could be covid-19 and totally quarantine for two weeks. Honestly, the constant changes and roller coaster of emotions of the last few weeks has started to feel like the new normal- and we’re finding peace in the Lord. Grateful for the incredible reality of His...

Do You Really Need to Know? - by Carly Mainland

My girls have been so peaceful, so blissfully unaware. We’ve explained that things are canceled, that some people are sick, that we need to keep our distance so we don’t get them sick and they don’t get us sick. They get it, sort of, but they carry on. They play, laugh, they squabble a bit, but mostly they’ve just been in their imaginations, little beds on the book shelves, taking care of all their babies, coloring- sometimes in places they are not supposed to, making pies an d creations out of dirt and snow, eating cookies and chocolate eggs. They hold their baby sister, talk to her, and cheer her on when she rolls over and tell me again and again to come see. There’s an subtle panic happening below the surface for so many of us right now, as we grocery shop and think about the future, but inside this house, you wouldn’t hardly know it. The difference between their little world and the worlds. And I’m wondering, where does my mind dwell right now? In the peace and care of my He...