Perseverance 2.0 by Susan Yarrington



Colorado Celebration 2020 012

Two perspectives of perseverance…the photo to the left is of a baby snapdragon plant growing in the crack of our window box.   I  planted snapdragons there…about 4 years ago! The seeds were buried but still alive… and started growing this summer! What perseverance these seeds have!




The photo below is also a story of perseverance…that of a fleabane ‘weed’, on the steps of a local retreat center our church is meeting at, until schools are open again! What a harsh growing environment… only rain water, little protection despite groups of humans stepping over it daily…and still it grows!

Colorado Celebration 2020 018

I thought of how/where/when…I have persevered. That is….how I have made it through tough times, difficulties…only to ‘grow’ anyways. Only to ‘bloom’ despite tough conditions.

More than ever…I have realized I actually ‘grow better’ despite tough circumstances.

I SNAP  PHOTOS OF often as I see them.  I think they are ‘pictures’ of encouragement to me. GROW ON…. DESPITE TOUGH TIMES!


  • Tell us a story about perseverance in your life?
  • What did you learn….but forgot?
  • What did you learn…but will NEVER forget?
  • Who can you come along side of…. as they persevere thru tough times?


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